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There is not nearly enough information available to educate women on their aesthetic choices. Most women are unaware of the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act passed in 1998 guaranteeing every women’s right to complete breast reconstruction post-mastectomy. Most are unaware that, even when they choose complete reconstruction and insurance companies deny their claim to these rights, they can appeal these unjust denials and be reimbursed for the services that their insurance companies claim to provide.


Rachell was outraged and invited the young woman to keep her appointment anyway and 45 happy minutes later, Susan was thrilled to say that she looked and felt like a real girl again!


Susan’s story motivated Rachell to throw herself into the battle in attempt to make certain Susan’s insurance company and all other insurance companies fairly reimburse women for their final reconstructive procedures after breast cancer.

Find out more about how you can help... 1-800-343-3223  or emailing
Bridge the Gap and help women to continue thriving and surviving through breast cancer.

What is Breasthetics?

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